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Step 1: Installing Compose in the cluster

This topic describes how to install Compose in a high availability cluster environment.


  1. Allocate two shared folders for Compose: one for the Compose server and the other for the Compose agent

    The setup instructions below assume that the Compose data folder is F:\server-data and the Compose Agent data folder is F:\agent-data.

  2. Generate a 32 character random master key by running the following command from <PRODUCT_DIR>\bin:

    ComposeCtl.exe utils genpassword

    The setup instructions below assume that your key is


Primary node setup

  1. Install Compose.
  2. Stop the Compose service.
  3. Edit the service executable path as follows:

    SC CONFIG ComposebinPath="<PRODUCT_DIR>\bin\ComposeCtl.exe -d F:\server-data service run”

  4. Run the following command from <PRODUCT_DIR>\bin:

    ComposeCtl.exe -d "F:\server-data" setup install

  5. Run the following command from <PRODUCT_DIR>\bin:

    ComposeCtl.exe -d "F:\server-data" masterukey set -p WdAHWEwXSvwxDFetcl7TVVFfSXPbMrFx

  6. Edit <PRODUCT_DIR>\java\bin\acjs.bat and immediately below the line with SET JAVA_LIB_PATH, add the following:

    set AT_DATA=-d F:\agent-data

  7. Start the Compose service and then stop it. This will create the java repository.

    Information note

    This step should be performed on the primary node only.

  8. Run the following command from <PRODUCT_DIR>\java\bin:

    acjs.bat masterukey set WdAHWEwXSvwxDFetcl7TVVFfSXPbMrFx

  9. In the Cluster Manager, move to the secondary node.

Secondary node setup

Perform steps 1-6 and step 8 (step 7 is not required) of the the Primary node setup steps on the secondary node and then start the Compose service.

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